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user guide


Using the Online Service and Managing your Risk

The following notes act as a guide on how to:

  1. Gain access to the Portal (website).
  2. Move around the site quickly and effectively.
  3. Contact our experts via the on line Ask the Expert service.
  4. How to use the document manager to create your company risk management portfolio.
  5. Complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaire



1.    To gain access to the Portal

On the Home Page, click on the members 'Login' button.

You then need to input your username and password (sent by separate email).

(Once logged in you will be able to edit your password from the 'Edit Account' option on the main navigation bar)

If you are a returning member and have forgotten your password click the “Forgotten your password?” link to be sent a reminder.


2.    Moving around the Portal

This Portal has been designed to be as user-friendly as possible but we are always open to further suggestions.

As you enter the Portal for the first time you have a number of options on how you access information.

Click on any of the navigation buttons to access information on a particular topic.

Alternatively, you can access specific information via a number of routes:

  • Search box - the search boxes allow you to type in a key word, e.g. 'pay'. All the pages linked to this word will then be displayed
  • You can choose a Section or Topic
  • Consult the A to Z lists under a specific Section , which lists all of the content in alphabetical order
  • By selecting “Business Specific”, these areas offer guidance on specific industries/topics and address issues, not just generic rules.


3.    Contact our Ask the Expert service

Our "Ask the Expert" feature provides you with direct 'online' access to one of our dedicated Risk Management Consultants. They will be happy to provide guidance on any risk management related concern or issue that you have, and will guarantee to do so within 24 hours. 

You will be notified by email that the Expert's response is ready and safely stored on the site in your own personal area, that only you can access. Here you will be able to see not only the response to your latest ATE but the full details of the last 10 you submitted.

All you need to do is log in to the site and click on the relevant ATE area where the response will be waiting for you (either button will take you to the right place).


4.    The Document Manager

Download Area

Each Sections Download Area provides you with all the key documentation, forms and guidance, which you can view, print out or use as templates to adapt to your organisation's requirements. We also have a section of requested popular HSE documents that provide additional support to our users. Recently we have added a foreign language area.

Document Management System

Here you can back up and store all your health and safety documentation. Simply download a blank version of the selected file to your hard drive by clicking “Download Blank Version”; then edit, save, and upload your edited version onto the Portal by selecting “Upload Document” and following the instructions. (Be sure to give the uploaded document a Title) 

Using this service will enable you to provide documented evidence of compliance and create an online health and safety file. Should you have any difficulty at all, you can contact us through the Ask the Expert service.


5.    Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Ideally if this is your first visit you should begin by auditing your current Risk Management procedures. This will allow you to 'benchmark' your current compliance level. Begin with the Self-Assessments and follow the simple instructions (this is your legally required overall risk assessment of your workplace, and will help you to understand what problems you have and how to remedy them).

Follow the questionnaire, step by step, answering all the questions. You may pause and save  at any point. However, we do recommend you take time out to complete the assessment in one go. It is very likely you will be pleasantly surprised at how much you already have in place.

Once you have completed all the questions, you will be able to print an action plan in the form of a 'To Do list' of all the things you need to do to improve workplace safety and achieve compliance with the law. The 'To Do list' will also guide you and point to areas within the Portal to achieve, on occasion, an immediate remedy.

Other Site Services

Health and Safety Section

To keep up with legislation and set up a health and safety system that protects you and your company, you should introduce a management system that can reduce the risk of accidents, litigation and downtime.

We continually refer to Health & Safety "being a journey not a destination", this area provides the procedures to help maintain and improve the health, safety and welfare of your workplace.

Along with the features already mentioned above (Ask the Expert service, Download Area, Document Management System) in this Sector you will also find the following:

A-Z Guidance

The aim of this section is to provide you with a one-stop health and safety reference area, with linked downloadable documentation.

This section aims to:

  • Provide you with a health and safety reference system.
  • Help you to produce a coherent record-keeping method.
  • Provide a quick and effective means of demonstrating compliance to any enforcement officers.

Complying with Health & Safety Law in all its guises is not an option, but a demand of law. Ignorance in a court of law is not a defence.

Business Specific Areas

If you operate within a specific risk industry, we have grouped information, guidance and direction by sector in order to help you. It is designed to address those areas where specific regulations have been put in place governing the particular risks the industry may encounter. Here, issues are addressed, not just the Rules.

Human Resources Section

Here you have access to a source of information concerning employment matters written in a style that avoids legalistic jargon without losing its essence. The information is stored and accessible in logical groupings, which are supported by regular updates and newsworthy additions.

The main employee rights are covered in the HR Legal Overview Section under the following groupings:

  •  New Employees
  •  Training & Development
  •  Discipline & Grievance
  •  Leaving Employment
  •  HR Policies
  •  Discrimination
  •  Managing Employees
  •  Family and Other Leave
  •  Pay and Benefits

The Employment Law content can also be viewed via the HR A-Z

Click on the relevant section for a list of issues, key regulations and policies. From within the selected section you can then click on the individual headings to access further information and guidance on your chosen area.

If you have a question that cannot be answered by the information contained within our site then please 'Ask the Expert' and we will guarantee a response within 24hrs (Monday to Friday).

Business Continuity Section

Business Continuity Planning encompasses the management processes that identify potential threats that will impact on your business' ability to provide your customers with its products or services and the actions needed to ensure the immediate future following any major disruption.

Business Continuity can often be taken for granted. Invariably, business managers believe that they have everything covered because, to date, nothing has gone seriously wrong. Most likely nothing will.  But, what if there was a fire, not necessarily a big one, just sufficient to stop your business for a few of days? Would you manage?  Would you survive?  What if construction work in your area cut through your telecommunication cables, how would you operate until lines were repaired?  Do you have back-up contact systems, alternate contact records that are not ‘trapped’ inside your PC?  A mobile phone pre-loaded with all your important contacts?

Here you can assess your emergency procedures and using the download documents, create an important and integral plan to keep your business running under difficult circumstances.

Driving Risk Section

Use this area to answer any questions you may have about any Occupational Road Risk (ORR) issue, or pick up useful advice on issues ranging from Corporate Manslaughter, to reducing your vehicles’ carbon footprint.

Some of the additional features you will find in this Section include:

Company Audit 

Start the whole process by carrying out your Company Audit. Once completed, you will have your own bespoke set of remedial actions to ensure compliance with the Law.

All you need to do is follow these short simple steps:

  • Click on “Company Audit” once inside the Driving Risk Section to be taken to the relevant page.
  • Select “New” next to the “Road Risk Manager – Company Audit” option to be taken to the Audit page.
  • From here you can complete your audit by answering the questions provided. (If you are unable to answer a question, select “To be confirmed” where allowed, and return to the audit when you have the correct response.)
  • When you reach the question 13th Question (If yes to the above question, how many?)but have answered the previous question “No”, please enter “0” otherwise the system will not allow you to complete your audit.
  • When you have submitted your details, click “Submit” at the bottom of the page and you will be taken to the next stage of the audit.
  • This final part of the audit is split into the following sections: Policy, Drivers, Managers & Process.
  • Simply move through each of these short sections answering the multiple choice questions in each.
  • You can save the audit to return at a later time at any stage by clicking the “Save” button in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. The system will save your progress regardless of where you left it.
  • Once you save your audit (completed or otherwise) you will be returned to the “Company Audit” home page where you will find your audit(s) listed with a “TODO list” button next to it. Click here to review your bespoke set of recommended remedial actions. (You can print this list for display in your workplace)

Driver Audit Manager

This audit is to be completed by your drivers. Ensure you audit all of your employees to pick-up on ‘occasional drivers’ too.  

Before your drivers can complete their audits, you will need to register their details on the “Driver Audit Manager”.

You can do so by following these steps:

  • Click on “Driver Audit Manager” once inside the Driving Risk Sector to be taken to the relevant page.
  • Select “Add New Driver Details from the top Sub Navigation menu.
  • Fill in the information required and press “Submit”.
  • Your driver will then be sent an email within 24 hours with a username and password and instructions to complete the requested audit.
  • Once all audits are completed review the driver data by clicking the “Download Complete Driver Audits XL” button which will generate the ‘Driver Audit Summary’ document.  

This facility utilises a “Flag” system. If a driver audit highlights critical issues that need addressing with urgency, it will be designated a Red Flag.

Alternatively, a Yellow Flag indicates issues that need addressing but are not so critical in nature.

The Audit can be submitted and saved at any time during input. However, we do suggest time is allocated to complete it in one sitting and view any areas that require action as soon as possible.

Policies and procedures

Use this area to find the Policy, Form or Procedure document you need. This could save you hours or even days creating new policies and procedures, whilst providing you with the very latest and up to date legal information contained within them.

Document Management System

Upload and store essential documentation in your own personalised document manager. Maintain your ‘audit trail’ by uploading all documents you implement within your organisation here.  As they say, if it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen!  Only you will be able to access this information using your allocated user name and password. 

(The process to download, and upload documents to the Document Management System is the same as in all other sections as explained earlier in this guide.)

Your membership

Regular use of our Risk Management service should enable you to effectively manage your risks and enjoy a safer and more productive working environment. It will provide you with documentary evidence of your journey to compliance for any insurance or inspection requirements.

Good Health and Safety is good business!


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